Does installing software have to be like playing Tetris?

by Konrad Hinsen, posted on 31 Jan 2014

One of the eternal headaches of computer users is the installation of software. This is particularly true in computational science, where ready-to-run software distributions for the major computing platforms are rare, and unusual computing platforms abound. The typical scientific software package is distributed as source code that needs to be compiled and installed. The compilation and installation procedure must frequently be hand-tuned for a specific computing platform. To make things worse, each software package comes with a list of dependencies, which are other software packages that must be installed first. It is not uncommon to spend an entire day with the installation of a non-trivial software package, and it is not uncommon either to give up after a series of failures.

To see why software installation is so hard, and how it can be improved, it helps to have a close look at the two main world views about how application software (the software that solves your problem) interacts with systems software (the software that comes with your computer). I will call them the “Tetris model” and the “platform-content” model.

The Tetris model

In the Tetris model, every piece of software, i.e. every library or application program, is like a piece in a Tetris game: it has a very specific shape and thus fits only into a very specific place in a landscape. The landscape is defined by the computer hardware and all the software already installed on the system. A software package’s installation instructions describe the landscape that it expects: the dependencies that must be preinstalled, the system tools that must be present, etc. Minor mismatches can be eliminated manually with a chisel, meaning by editing configuration files. Major mismatches may prevent installation altogether, unless modifications are made to the software which are beyond the average user’s competence.

In the Tetris model, there is no fundamental difference between systems software and application software. Systems software is just the part of the installation that the manufacturer has already provided. Application software is considered a systems extension.

The Unix family of operating systems is the archetype of the Tetris model. Each hardware platform and each Unix dialect defines a particular landscape for the systems software, and each specific collection of installed systems software defines a particular landscape for application software.

The Windows operating system presents a more uniform landscape, but still has a large variety of landscapes due to differences in Windows versions and device drivers. If software installation is overall simpler under Windows than under Unix, that’s mostly due to a difference in culture. The typical Windows user buys and installs large preassembled units of software, and expects the vendor to do the adaptation work to the different landscapes. The typical Unix user downloads free software from small producers, and accepts to do the adaptation work himself. But both systems are based on the Tetris model and suffer from its fundamental messiness.

The platform-content model

The platform-content model is named after the principle of operation of media players. To play music from an MP3 file, you need an MP3 player. To read a PDF file, you need a PDF reader. In both cases, there is a clear contract (the file format) that defines the tasks of the platform (the MP3 or PDF software) and how the content (MP3 or PDF file) must be constructed to obtain the desired result (music or page of text) from playing the content on the platform.

In the computing world, it’s the systems software that defines the platform and the applications software that represents the content. A clear contract defines the responsibilities of each part. Users just copy the application to their computer and run it.

The first implementation of the platform-content model that I am aware of is the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). “Write once, run anywhere” was the slogan that Sun used to describe its new multiplatform programming system nearly 20 years ago. The “anywhere” part required a very strict platform definition. An application for the JVM takes the form of a jar file, which can be run on any computer with a JVM installation.

More recent implementations of the platform-content model can be found in MacOS X (application bundles) and on the mobile computing platforms such as iOS or Android. The crucial difference between these systems and Windows, which I have assigned to the Tetris category, is that applications in the platform-content model are completely isolated from each other. Windows applications have files in various public locations, meaning that different applications, and in particular different versions of the same applications, can be in conflict because they want to put different information into the same file.

Two extremes with a lot of middle ground

For clarity, I have painted a black-and-white picture above that contrasts the two extreme approaches to software management. Most systems are somewhere in the middle, and even the difference between the two extremes is not as big as it may seem initially.

Systems adopting the platform-content model effectively hide their internal Tetris landscape from their users by packaging software in shiny boxes. Application developers who produce Jar files or Mac application bundles for their clients have to fight with much the same problems as the systems administrators of Unix machines. Still, the difference is important: the existence of a well-defined platform limits the pain to a much smaller number of people.

The JVM running on Linux illustrates that it is possible to build a platform-content model on top of a Tetris universe, but this represents a major effort. In general, defining a good general-purpose platform is a highly non-trivial job, and until now none has succeeded completely. The problem is that a general-purpose platform is by necessity rather complex. It’s easy to overlook something, or write down a slightly ambiguous specification. Sooner or later, someone will exploit such weak spots, and application will be not work under some conditions. There is also the temptation to permit application developers to work around the platform’s limitations in a system-specific way, in order to gain in performance or functionality. This is what has happened to the JVM platform and has given rise to the parody “Write once, debug everywhere”.

Programming languages

Programming languages whose calling conventions differ from the underlying operating systems (in particular, interpreted languages that manage libraries in source code form) tend to have their own library management systems that follow the same principles as system-wide software management. The Python language, for example, is a representative of the Tetris model. Tools like virtualenv have been invented to work around some of the inconveniences of the Tetris approach. What virtualenv does is set up “clean” standardized Tetris landscapes that are independent of each other. Such a virtual environment can be seen as a platform (defined by a specific version of Python and its standard library), but it’s not quite the platform-content model because there is no straightforward way to package and distribute content.

Languages based on a “system image” approach (most famously Smalltalk, but many Lisps work the same way) come closest to the platform-content model: the sytem image is the content, the runtime system is the platform. However, system images are in practice not used for software distribution, they are seen as an implementation detail.

The only languages I am aware of that adopt the platform-content model are languages designed for the JVM and its younger cousin, Microsoft’s CLR, which is better known under its commercial name .NET.

One of the roles of ActivePapers is publishing and archiving scientific software, along with data. ActivePapers can accomodate both scripts and libraries. It is therefore a platform for software management, adopting the platform-content model. ActivePapers even goes further than other platforms in proposing zero-installation software assembly: dependencies are downloaded automatically when needed.

In light of what I said above, this may seem like an overly ambitious goal. However, I am confident that ActivePapers can keep its promises, because it doesn’t try to be a general-purpose platform, but a domain-specific platform for scientific computing.

One important feature of ActivePapers is that the content is limited to computations. Code in an ActivePaper has intentionally very limited access to the computer it runs on: it sees only what it in the ActivePapers universe. An ActivePaper cannot implement graphical user interfaces, Web servers, or device drivers. This removes much of the complexity of a general-purpose computing environment.

Moreover, ActivePapers is specifically designed for scientific publications, and can therefore profit from the infrastructure of the scientific community, in particular scientific repositories such as figshare and Zenodo and the permanent references through DOIs that they provide. This is how ActivePapers achieves zero-installation deployment.

All is not perfect though, because the ActivePapers platforms has a few leaks, which it inherits from the Python language it is built on. While ActivePapers does what it can to prevent access to resources outside of its universe, it cannot do enough, because Python provides insufficient access control mechanisms. Another limitation is that neither the Python language nor the two libraries that ActivePapers depends on (NumPy and h5py) have formal specifications. They are quite stable, but they do evolve over time. It is therefore possible that an ActivePaper that works today stops working in the future because some code in NumPy has changed. One possible solution is to define a unique “ActivePapers platform” which consists of specific versions of the underlying software packages. However, such a platform will survive only as long as its constituents are maintained by its respective authors.

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