The ActivePapers Pharo edition

by Konrad Hinsen, posted on 10 May 2019

The ActivePapers family has a new member: the ActivePaper Pharo edition. In contrast to the Python and JVM editions, which implement mostly the same ideas and concepts on two different platforms, the Pharo edition pursues a different goal: exploring the human-computer interface of reproducible, understandable, and verifiable computer-aided research.

One of the most frequent questions I received concerning the Python edition of ActivePapers was: “Does this work with Jupyter notebooks?” Initially my answer was “Not yet, but I am working on it.” And I did. However, that work never led to a satisfying result. One reason was technical obstacles. I had tried to include Jupyter notebooks inside an ActivePaper, but that turned out to be impossible because Jupyter’s two-process design (the kernel and the notebook editor are separate processes connected by a communication protocol) was not compatible with the HDF5 library’s restriction that only one process can write to a file at any time. And that means you cannot store a notebook and the results it computes into the same HDF5 file.

However, the more I thought about integrating ActivePapers and Jupyter, the more I realized that its linear notebooks (a sequence of code, documentation, and result cells) are not really adapted to the task of documenting a scientific computation, except for simple cases. If you look at the various published ActivePapers, they invariably contain multiple scripts plus a few library modules. Superficially, it may seem that notebooks can replace the scripts and thereby provide documentation. However, a good documentation must document the whole, not some its parts. It must tie together multiple scripts and code from the library modules. Usually computational methods are implemented in the library modules, and the scripts apply them to datasets. If the documentation is done script by script, how do you document the methods?

Today there are plenty of published Jupyter notebooks, so how do they deal with this? I didn’t look at all of them, of course, but so far my impression is that there are two cases. The most frequent case is notebooks documenting data analyses based on standard well-known methods implemented in well-known libraries. Readers of the notebook are expected to be familiar with the methods, or to learn about them elsewhere. The other case is notebooks including the full method implementation. In addition to being limited to simple methods, this approach has the big advantage that the method implementation is not reusable.

Since my own research mainly focuses on developing and evaluating new computational methods, I concluded that notebooks are not a good fit for my work. In fact, I had come to that same conclusion by trying. Whenever I started a new project as a notebook, I quickly switched to old-style modules and scripts, with documentation in separate text files. I found this to be a perfectly good enough technique for my personal use, but a bunch of files, even well-organized, does not make for something another scientist, even a collaborator, is eager to dig into.

When I started to look at Pharo a few months ago, largely by accident (I signed up to the Pharo MOOC to get some MOOC experience from the learner’s point of view, before taking the role of an instructor in the Reproducible Research MOOC), I discovered a very different kind of interactive computing environment. The Smalltalk family, of which Pharo is one of the younger members, has a long history of valuing explorability and understandability (see this blog post for more details). Then I quickly discovered the Glamorous Toolkit, a new interactive environment building on Pharo and aiming for an even higher level of explorability through moldable development tools, the idea being that developers should be able to extend the environment with domain-specific inspection tools. The intellectual background of these ideas have been nicely summarized in a blog post by Rafael Luque.

Compared to the current and future environments of the Pharo universe, computational notebooks feel very limited and constraining. Which isn’t really surprising considering their origins. Today’s Jupyter and RMarkdown are minor variations on the notebook idea introduced in the early 1980s by Mathematica. Mathematica in turn, like most other computer algebra systems, built on the heritage of Lisp, which in the 1950s introduced many revolutionary features into computing, among which interactivity via the Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) that was a natural way to implement interaction within the constraints of the user interface hardware of the time: a line-oriented terminal. Smalltalk, on the other hand, started out in the 1970s with graphical displays and pointing devices right from the start, at the price of depending on hardware that at the time very few people had access to. As Marshall McLuhan taught us, first we shape our tools and then our tools shape us. The line-oriented terminals of the 1950s have imprinted a way of thinking on computer users that even today’s computational notebooks have retained, in spite of superior approaches having been around for decades. And that superior technology is not merely Smalltalk, which has always remained a niche system. Non-linear GUIs is what we all use for working with images or sound files. Those tasks are almost impossible to do in a line-by-line way, so they didn’t really happen before GUIs. For computations, GUIs probably came too late: linear thinking had already become a cultural norm.

The Pharo edition of ActivePapers aims at molding the GToolkit environment into an environment for doing computing-aided research, rather than software development. These two activities are distinct but share many common features. The main difference is that science focuses on data and on models, with software being only a means to an end. However, it’s such an important means that everything else is structured around it. Moreover, software development also deals with data (about software) and models (as specifications). In the end, the differences are gradual rather than fundamental. This journey has just begun, and I don’t really know where it will lead. Stay tuned for updates! In the meantime, you can watch this demo video.

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